In ancient times we could find numbers elements for weight measurement.
Some are the following:
1º Balances: As it is known, scales are the instrument that has more
antiquity that has been used to weigh, at the same time, it is also the
simplest instrument. There are different types of scales, although all were
very similar visually, the internal mechanisms varied and made them more or
less precise, depending on what was to be used.
- Balance of cross
- Balance of saucer
- Pharmacy balance
- Precision balance
2nd Weighing machine: This instrument serves to weigh medium and large
objects, this occurred by an internal mechanism which multiplied the weight
that was placed in the outer box by ten or a hundred, until balanced with the
placed on the platform.
3rd Pesacartas: They were used in the post offices. They also served to
weigh small objects. There were table and pocket.
4th Romana: It is a lever with very unequal arms, the object that is to
be weighed is placed at the end of the arm less and is balanced by the weight
on the larger arm.
5th Dynamometers: They also received the name of pocket Romans, since
they had the same function only for small objects, they used to use it for
street trade.
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